hBjcDQfnMguRXVnjTNgM Mark Scarbrough's WALKING WITH DANTE: Everybody Gets A Chance To Break The Church In Inferno, Canto XIX, Lines 13 - 30 - Walking With Dante

Episode 111

Everybody Gets A Chance To Break The Church: Inferno, Canto XIX, Lines 13 - 30

Published on: 17th November, 2021

We've come to one of the most difficult cruxes in all of INFERNO: a passage that's loaded with Christian symbolism but that also includes a bit of biographical detail on Dante, the historical figure.

That biographical detail remains the subject of much curiosity! Join me, Mark Scarbrough, as we explore this difficult but ultimately rewarding passage: a condemnation of churchly corruption and a revelation of Dante's personal life, all bound up in the eighth circle of hell with the sins of fraud until the whole thing becomes a tour de force of meta-reality.

Here are the segments for this episode:

[01:00] My English translation of this passage. If you'd like to read along, you can find it under the header for this podcast on my website, markscarbrough.com.

[03:38] What's up with the "livid stones"? For one thing, Jesus. He founded his church on the rock of Peter's faith: "Upon this rock will I build my church." But these rocks aren't as firm, to say the least.

[05:47] A curious bit of Dante's biography, inserted into this passage. What's going on here? Let's look back at the commentary's answer and also explore a relatively new interpretation of this strange passage.

[11:38] Is the guy Dante saves drowning or suffocating? It all comes down to translation problems in this passage which only muddy it further.

[15:30] Why is this biographical detail here?

[17:21] What exactly is the poet's "seal"?

[21:07] The emotional center of this curious passage: "my beautiful San Giovanni."

[22:58] The feet and thighs of these sinners are visible, but not their buttocks. That may be an important detail.

[25:38] A fusion of Christian images: Pentecost and the anointing with oil that happens at ordination.

[28:08] Inversion is a crucial motif for Inferno, Canto XIX as a whole.

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About the Podcast

Walking With Dante
A passage-by-passage stroll through Dante’s DIVINE COMEDY with Mark Scarbrough
Ever wanted to read Dante's Divine Comedy? Come along with us! We're not lost in the scholarly weeds. (Mostly.) We're strolling through the greatest work (to date) of Western literature. Join me, Mark Scarbrough, as I take on this masterpiece passage by passage. I'll give you my rough English translation, show you some of the interpretive knots in the lines, let you in on the 700 years of commentary, and connect Dante's work to our modern world. The pilgrim comes awake in a dark wood, then walks across the known universe. New episodes every Sunday and Wednesday.
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Mark Scarbrough

Former lit professor, current cookbook writer, creator of two podcasts, writer of thirty-five (and counting) cookbooks, author of one memoir (coming soon!), married to a chef (my cookbook co-writer, Bruce Weinstein), and with him, the owner of two collies, all in a very rural spot in New England. My life's full and I'm up for more challenges!